Our Brian Gregg Memorial Fundraiser Results . . . so far

  • $3,000 from Brian Gregg Memorial Golf Outing, to be paired with matching funds from Wal-Mart, creating six $1,000 scholarships for six graduating seniors from the class of 2008 -- two each from Harry S Truman [Brian's alma mater], Neshaminy [the district where he lived] and Council Rock North [the district where he served.]
  • Teak wood park bench with plaque, placed at Brian Gregg Memorial Park
  • $1,440 cash raised from auctions, presented to Kella Gregg for son Kyle's education

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Golf is fun for everyone!

In an effort to make the most of our Brian Gregg Memorial Golf Outing Aug. 10, our golf guru Jim Ferland is willing to waive the entry deadline and accept payment at the golf course.

You don't have to be a classmate to join in the fun.
Whether you are a serious golfer, or just want to show off your new golf mini skort, it's going to be a blast.
8 a.m. to noon
Middletown Country Club
email: jmfhockey@qwest.net if you are thinking about joining us.

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