Our Brian Gregg Memorial Fundraiser Results . . . so far

  • $3,000 from Brian Gregg Memorial Golf Outing, to be paired with matching funds from Wal-Mart, creating six $1,000 scholarships for six graduating seniors from the class of 2008 -- two each from Harry S Truman [Brian's alma mater], Neshaminy [the district where he lived] and Council Rock North [the district where he served.]
  • Teak wood park bench with plaque, placed at Brian Gregg Memorial Park
  • $1,440 cash raised from auctions, presented to Kella Gregg for son Kyle's education

Monday, August 13, 2007

Park bench dedication@Brian Gregg Memorial Park

Group shot of Brian's parents, John and Nancy Gregg, along with their son's classmates from Woodrow Wilson Class of '77, with the bench placed at the
Congress Street park in Newtown Borough.
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