Joe Favoroso writes: "This might be a good time to get our next Class of '77 gathering off the ground. A couple weeks ago, some of us had mentioned that we should do something around the Holidays. I thought that Saturday evening on Thanksgiving weekend November 28th would be a convenient time to gather. I figured that many people travel from all over to spend time with their families, and may end up in the Levittown area.
As far as where, we thought that Bailey's Bar & Grille (at 5 points - Emilie Rd) would be a good convenient place to meet. It's very spacious, good food, music, live entertainment, and reasonably priced drinks. I guess for now, we can shoot for around 7 p.m. This time will be subject to change if necessary.
If you're able to attend, please notify myself or Bob Benny on our Facebook wall or e-mail me at djets59@hotmail.com, or Bob Bennie atwwhsclassof77@yahoo.com. Hope to see you all there.
WWHS Class of 77 Committee.
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