Our Brian Gregg Memorial Fundraiser Results . . . so far

  • $3,000 from Brian Gregg Memorial Golf Outing, to be paired with matching funds from Wal-Mart, creating six $1,000 scholarships for six graduating seniors from the class of 2008 -- two each from Harry S Truman [Brian's alma mater], Neshaminy [the district where he lived] and Council Rock North [the district where he served.]
  • Teak wood park bench with plaque, placed at Brian Gregg Memorial Park
  • $1,440 cash raised from auctions, presented to Kella Gregg for son Kyle's education

Friday, June 29, 2007


Anonymous said...

I think this is a wonderful thing you are doing for Brian Gregg and his family. He sure did have great friends from school.
This reunion sounds like it's going to be a great time. I wish I had been in Brians class.

Anonymous said...
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